Challenging members of the High Council Justice and closing of interviews at the time of lifetime appointment of judges becomes a trend 7 February, 2018
Non-governmental organizations request meeting with the chief prosecutor of Georgia with regard to Afgan Mukhtarli’s case 29 January, 2018
Non-governmental organizations call on the Parliament not to override the presidential veto 16 January, 2018
en_კოალიცია “დამოუკიდებელი და გამჭვირვალე მართლმსაჯულებისთვის” მოსაზრებები სასამართლო რეფორმის მეოთხე ტალღის კანონპროექტებზე 12 January, 2018
Coalition for Independent and Transparent Judiciary Reacts to the December 22-24, 2017 Police Control Operation, the so called Police Raid 27 December, 2017
The Coalition and the Public Defender React to the Government’s Initiative to Create an Independent Investigative Mechanism 24 November, 2017
The Coalition Criticizes the Independent Inspector Selection Competition for the Lack of Transparency 20 November, 2017