Regimes require factual evidence to substantiate their authenticity. Without evidence of corruption, criminal activity, or misconduct committed by a regime, discussions regarding the misconduct of a particular government are not regarded seriously.
The unseen doesn't necessarily equate to nonexistence. The concealed must either be discovered and brought to light, or revealed by those who witness transgressions.
Whistleblowing can yield significant benefits for society. In fact, the institution of whistleblowers is integral to civic accountability, forming an essential component of effective, transparent, and responsible public service. A civil servant's duty extends beyond merely executing their duties diligently; they are also responsible for safeguarding public service from corruption, misconduct, crime, or other detrimental actions that jeopardize the public interest. In doing so, civil servants demonstrate their allegiance to the nation, public service, and society at large.
The scarcity of whistleblowers in any given society doesn't solely reflect the efficacy of the public service or the state of the political environment; rather, it may indicate other crucial factors, particularly:
Well-organized and concealed corruption schemes within government and public agencies;
A comprehensive system for monitoring and controlling public service employees, often supported by security services, effectively eliminating the possibility of whistleblowing;
Inadequate legislative measures for protecting whistleblowers, aimed solely at government control rather than whistleblower safeguarding, hindering the exposure of misconduct;
Retaliatory legal prosecution against whistleblowers, serving as retribution for their disclosures and establishing successful punitive precedents;
Societal stigma against whistleblowers, leading to negative attitudes and reluctance to speak out;
Limited and inadequate media and civil society response in terms of supporting and protecting whistleblowers, indicating insufficient efforts in this regard.
This situation poses a significant dilemma for a whistleblower: to either expose wrongdoings of a state or prioritize their personal or familial safety, as they risk facing the formidable apparatus of state repression alone in the event of retaliation.
Examining the current state of affairs in Georgia provides a clear indication of the whereabouts of whistleblowers. Some find themselves imprisoned, others seek asylum abroad, and some face persecution domestically, losing their livelihoods and struggling to survive. Unfortunately, no successful instance of whistleblowing can be observed, wherein legislation, state institutions, courts, and society have all functioned effectively.
The examination of Georgia's present situation readily addresses the following question as well: in a country where corruption appears to be pervasive, and where courts and state institutions seem to operate primarily based on political agendas, where are those who expose these issues? Is the entire public service willingly complicit in corruption, criminal activities, and political assignments?
Many individuals among us aspire to expose corruption, crime, and other misconduct within public services. They harbor a strong desire to remain loyal to their country, public service, and society as a whole. However, the fear of facing the well-organized repressive system alone, instances of whistleblowers being harshly punished as the means for deterrence, and the failure of both society and institutions to adequately protect them compel these individuals to prioritize personal and familial safety over whistleblowing.
We might be inclined to pass judgement on their decision, but the answer to this question is far from straightforward.
However, the conclusion we can draw is that over time it becomes increasingly evident that as the system accumulates experience, its flaws become more difficult to detect, rendering it more immune to exposure. At a certain point, the only means to challenge such a system may lie in the courage of whistleblowers. Consequently, society must foster trust in them, showcasing instances of loyalty and selflessness. Whistleblowers need assurance that if they opt to prioritize societal well-being over personal and familial safety, they will never face retaliation from the system alone and forsaken.