Statement of the Civic Platform "No to Phobia!" Regarding Pride Week

The Civil Platform "No-phobia!" responds to Pride Week and urges law enforcement agencies to enhance security measures, implement preventive strategies, and collaborate with organizers.

The Constitution of Georgia safeguards the rights to freedom of assembly and expression, applying equally to all individuals irrespective of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Within this framework, the LGBTQI+ community possesses the same entitlement as any other group to gather, celebrate diversity, and concurrently demonstrate solidarity with the ongoing struggles for equality in Georgia.

Despite the decision of Pride organizers to host events exclusively in enclosed venues and not forgo a march of dignity this year (similarly to the previous year), the magnitude and intensity of aggression, threats, and incitements to violence witnessed thus far against the Pride week events remain comparable to those experienced in July 2021. Once again, this serves as a reaffirmation that violence and aggression never have any boundary, and the growing impunity of the perpetrators (particularly those organizing acts of violence) further exacerbates an environment of insecurity for all. Alarmingly, this is compounded by the recent surge in homophobic rhetoric from the government.

We call on law enforcement agencies to:

  • enhance security measures, specifically by mobilizing a sufficient number of police officers at each event. This is essential to enable a prompt response to any potential acts of violence against Pride organizers or participants;

  • implement preventive measures, specifically focusing on identifying instances of incitement to violence and threats, and initiate timely investigations and criminal prosecutions against those responsible for such actions in cases that have already been identified;

  • actively cooperate with Pride organizers and have continuous communication with them to develop a security plan;

It is worth highlighting that enhancing the protection of rights for vulnerable groups, including ensuring more effective prosecution of those responsible for perpetrating violence, constitutes one of the 12 priorities outlined by the European Union for Georgia.

Georgian Democracy Initiative (GDI)

Media Development Foundation (MDF)

Rights Georgia

Georgia’s Reforms Associates (GRASS)

Equality Movement

Human Rights Center (HRC)

Tolerance and Diversity Institute (TDI)

International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED)

Georgian Young Lawyers' Association (GYLA)

Institute for Democracy and Safe Development (IDSD)

Georgian Strategic Analysis Center (GSAC)

Baltic to Black See Alliance (BBSA)