GDI's annual report

We present to you GDI's annual report, which reviews the organization's activities during the current year in the following program areas: civil and political rights, rule of law, and civic education.

2022 marked the Georgian government's disassociation from the West and renunciation of Western values. The government's proactive measures have impaired and continue to undermine the process of building and strengthening democracy in Georgia, which has directly impacted the standard of human rights protection within the country and the underlying concerns that GDI has been addressing for several years. 

GDI's Civil and Political Rights Program has been steadfast in its efforts to safeguard and fortify fundamental rights in Georgia, such as freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, and non-discrimination. 

Early on, the organization recognized that the government was initiating a crackdown on critical media and civil society, leading to an increase in the misuse of lawsuits in Georgia. There was a growing trend of filing SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation) lawsuits with the aim of silencing journalists and media outlets and infringe upon the fundamental right to freedom of speech and expression.  Notably, GDI has been involved in over 10 defamation cases against media representatives and broadcasters, typically instigated by government officials or individuals connected to them (including their close relatives, supporters, or donors of the Georgian Dream party). It is worth mentioning that in 2022, GDI extended legal aid to approximately 60 media institutions and journalists and acted as their legal representative in dealings with government entities and the judicial bodies. This year GDI continues to work to identify and combat SLAPP, a new threat to media freedom.

Like in previous years, GDI actively engaged in identifying and monitoring justice issues in Georgia. Under the Rule of Law Program, the organization collaborated with its partners to develop a vision for changes within the justice system. They were actively involved in advocating for institutional reforms within the judicial system. The program concentrates on enhancing public and judicial awareness, particularly the judges of the general courts and the Constitutional Court of Georgia, and concurrently strives to reinforce the capacity of individual judges. In 2022, GDI used different ways to disseminate information about significant decisions made by the Constitutional Court. Additionally, the "Know Your Judges" platform played a crucial role in informing the public about the judges and their background.

In 2022, GDI continued to prioritise the instruction of civic education and the promotion of knowledge expansion. One of their key endeavours in this area involved enhancing the online platform for civic education (civic education for all). The platform witnessed a noticeable increase in users reaching a total of 23,000 individuals in 2022. Notably, the number of users accessing the platform in Armenian and Azerbaijani languages showed a substantial increase. Under the civic education program, GDI organized various competitions, trainings, and webinars, engaging approximately 700 civic education teachers; debate tournaments, essay competitions for students, and other initiatives. Through these endeavors, the organization effectively promoted non-formal education and raised awareness within society. 

In 2022, GDI had an exceptional year in terms of its participation in international events. Representatives from GDI actively engaged in various conferences and high-level meetings that focused on crucial topics such as media freedom, the European integration of Georgia, and more.

GDI continues to stand up for safeguarding human dignity and freedom as the most fundamental values!

You can see the full version of the report here.